As a health and wellness professional, I am often asked about what type of exercises or workouts are the “best.” The answer to this question can vary widely and should be specific to the person [...]
Here are six easy self-assessments that can help you keep you on track for maintaining your health. 1. HEART RATE Normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. A [...]
There was a time when “core” training was synonymous with doing a lot of sit ups. While some may still assume that having a six pack means that they have a strong core, we now have a much better [...]
Much of our daily lives are spent moving. And the majority of that movement is in a forward direction. Taking this thought one step further we typically move in a relatively straight or linear [...]
“I pulled my hamstring” is an all too often type of injury that occurs in sports. Hamstring injuries account for approximately 37 percent of muscle injuries and recovery is often long with a high [...]